5 Best Christian Marriage Books: You MUST Read at Least One of These!

best christian marriage books

When Jake and I said “I do” 11 years ago, we were hopelessly, deliriously in love. The kind of love where you’re just drunk on the very existence of your person. But boy, did we have a lot to learn!

We quickly realized that “happily ever after” takes a lot more work than Disney movies make it out to be. 

It hasn’t been an easy journey, but we’ve stumbled upon some incredible resources along the way that have helped us navigate the ups and downs of married life.

Today, I’m excited to share some of the best Christian marriage books that have made a world of difference for us. 

These books have offered practical advice, spiritual guidance, and a healthy dose of encouragement on those nights when the thought of divorcing my high school sweetheart haunted me. And the good news? They’re all available on Amazon!

It wasn’t an overnight fix, but these books became a lifeline during our darkest times. They helped us dismantle unhealthy patterns, extend grace, and rediscover the reasons we fell in love.

5 Best Christian Marriage Books to Fix the Complexities of Commitment

Best Selling Christian Marriage Books

My sister gifted me this book two years into my marriage, and it’s the first book I ever read on marriage. You see, I’d grown up knowing the importance of prayer—saying grace before meals, bedtime prayers, and all that jazz. 

But this book took prayer to a whole new level. It showed me how to use prayer as a shield against all the things that try to tear a union apart.

It came at a time when I was desperately looking for ways to ‘fix’ Jake. But Stormie taught me a powerful lesson: you can’t change someone, but you can pray for them. 

That shift in perspective was huge for me. It wasn’t about nagging Jake to be different; it was about lifting him up in prayer and trusting God to work in his heart.

9 years later, this book is dog-eared and coffee-stained from constant re-reading. Whenever Jake and I hit a bump (because we definitely still do!), I come back to Stormie’s words as a reset.

Get it here on Amazon

Do you know your love language? I sure didn’t even know what that meant when I walked down that aisle! 

The 5 Love Languages is the first Christian marriage book I bought for myself after tasting The Power of a Praying Wife, and wow, what an eye-opener!

I quickly found out that my love language is words of affirmation. Jake’s love language is physical touch. 

At first, it might seem like a small detail but it makes such a huge difference once you figure it out. The only regret I have? I wish I got the book as sooner!

Get it here on Amazon

So, this book might not fit neatly into the “best Christian books on marriage” category, but let’s be real…

Who among us hasn’t messed up? Who hasn’t longed for a sincere apology? Don’t we all make mistakes, and don’t we all deserve a chance to make things right?

I’ll be honest, I have a bit of a short fuse myself. Little things can set me off sometimes. And saying sorry? Yeah, I’m ashamed to say that has not always been my strong suit.

But this book is a gem. It’s helped me understand the power of an apology and why it’s so important, even when it’s hard. Oh, and it’s even taught me how to move on when I don’t get an apology (especially from my teenage daughter, bless her soul).

It’s a great read for everyone especially because it also stresses the importance of forgiving others in order to move on, something I know we all struggle with, whether in marriage, friendships, or even work relationships.

Get it here on Amazon

Men are from Venus and women are from Mars; we are fundamentally different in the way we think, communicate, and relate to each other. 

While we both deserve to be loved and respected, when we are faced with a conflict, we are driven by different core desires. Women crave love, while men crave respect, and these needs must be met for us to live in harmony.

Sadly, quite often, instead of nurturing those needs in our partners, we try to change them to fit what we want, and this puts a strain on our marriages. 

Eggerichs breaks down how to balance giving love and respect, so we can better understand our spouse’s needs and communicate more effectively. Less arguing, more connecting.

One of my favorite parts is toward the back, where he includes those thought-provoking questions to ask yourself about your relationship. They really make you take a step back and self-reflect in a way that ultimately brings you closer together.

Definitely one of the best Christian marriage books for couples – whether you’re newlyweds or you’ve been married for decades!

Get it here on Amazon

Please move this baby to number one! Listen, if you are planning to get married and looking to have a solid, healthy, successful union, you need this book like yesterday. 

I know I’ve said this again, but Marriage on the Rock is one of those books I wish I had back when Jake and I were just dating.

It’s one of those books that will teach you how to communicate better, how to submit and honor your spouse, how to pray through challenges instead of reacting hastily, and really apply those scriptural principles to your marriage.

It’s the newest addition to our growing collection of the best Christian marriage books, and we couldn’t be happier with our purchase so far. In fact, I think it’s become Jake’s favorite. 

We read the book together before bed but I’ve caught him sneaking in some solo reading sessions more than once (not that I’m salty about it but… 😊)

Get it here on Amazon

Fighting for Your Marriage? Listen ...

I know the nights can feel long, the journey filled with darkness and uncertainty. Marriage is a beautiful, sacred covenant, but it’s not always easy.

There will be storms to weather, obstacles to overcome, and moments when you feel like giving up.

But take heart, dear ones. You’ve got this. You are stronger together than you could ever be apart.

God’s love is the unshakable foundation upon which your union stands, and He will never leave you nor forsake you. When the road ahead seems too difficult to traverse, remember that you don’t walk it alone.

The same God who brought you together, who witnessed your vows and blessed your love, is with you every step of the way. He will be your strength in weakness, your light in darkness, and your comfort in sorrow.

So hold onto each other, and hold onto Him. Pray without ceasing, forgive freely, and never stop choosing love. The trials of this world cannot overcome a marriage rooted in Christ’s love. 

You are doing a great job, even when it doesn’t feel like it. Keep pressing on, keep fighting the good fight. Your faithfulness and perseverance will be rewarded a thousandfold, both in this life and the next.

Take courage, for the God of all hope is on your side. He will sustain you, guide you, and see you through to the other side of every trial.

Your marriage is a beautiful testimony, a light in the darkness, and you are living it well. Press on. You’ve got this.

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